If you worked for someone over the summer (eg., corporation, law school, law firm, court, individual), then you should send a thank you note to the person who provided you with lunch or dinner, or money, or something in the form of compensation. Even information. It is important to remember who buttered your bread this summer, especially if you are in some situation this time next year, where you might need a little financial help. Financial help as an attorney, as an intern, as a law clerk, as office help. Who knows what kind of work you may need? You may not need any help, but don't take the chance on that. It is just common courtesy; a thank you. That is not too difficult.
It is extremely important to respect the person who signed your paycheck or the person that made certain that you received one. That should go without a statement from me - I should not have to say a word. Yet, I am amazed at the number of people that do not thank others for their assistance for summer work. People (employers) make mental notes regarding your gratitude factor. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I seem to store the non-gratitude factor in the "don't hire again, file."
This is related to the bar because you may need a job when you least expect it.
The time to stop spending money is now. Today. Call it quits. I once read that the easiest way to earn 100% investment on your money is to fold it in half and put it in your pocketbook. Here is to 100% investment. You are going to need a lot of money over the next 10 months, and you don't have the time to spend it on others. Yes, Thanksgiving is coming up, and no you do not have enough money to buy the turkey. Yes, I remember someone from my family asked me while I was in law school, if I would buy the turkey. I honestly thought they had lost their minds. Where did they think I was going to get money for a turkey? Don't spend it on all of the law school fund-raising adventures (sorry, law school). Think twice - maybe three times, before you decide to spend the cash in your pocket.
This is your last really free holiday coming up. You can spend it working or wafting. It is your choice. I'm not suggesting one way or the other that you do either, or both. I just want you to be aware of the time and what you could do with it if necessary. Yes, UPS hires for the holiday season. Yes, Federal Express hires for the holiday season. So does the U.S. Post Office, and Borders Books and Toys R Us, etc. No, no, no, no, no. I am not saying that you have to work, but you need to compare your spending allowance to the amount of money coming in. I have some plans myself that I must stick to and I am, over the next 55 days or so, looking forward to practicing what I preach. I'm paying "it" off, no matter what I do. I refused to go into the new year, with an old year. I'm not doing it. Think about a little extra work. Don't worry about the work; think about what the pay can do for you.
If someone owes you money, try to get it back and then immediately apply that cash to someone you owe (otherwise, you'll spend the $35, or $50 bucks). As a matter of fact, ask for the owed money in the form of a money order. That will keep it in your purse or pants pocket and not in the food store. Anything anyone owes you, attempt to pursue. If there are people who are willing to give you money (for no particular reason) then you take it. This is not the time for pride; it is the time for accretion. We are not turning down anything from anyone from any (legal) source available to us.
Gift cards - gas cards, food cards, cards to the drug store, book store, coffee store, fast food store, metro/subway/buss cards. Any store anywhere in your city, etc., for any amount. Do not turn down any gift cards. They will come in handy. Your family wants to help you at graduation. Everyone wants to give you a briefcase. You won't need a briefcase. Your desk will be your briefcase. You won't have time to pack something up and take it home. So, no briefcase is necessary. What is necessary? Items that you need for the bar exam.
1. help you pay for the hotel cost for two days when you take the bar;
2. split the bar review course with you (two, three or four ways, etc.);
3. give you a cooler for the trunk of the car - great while studying for the exam.
4. purchase an extra cell phone cord (just in case).
5. purchase a new computer if your machine looks like it can go at anytime.
6. give you pens, pencils, folders, notebooks, fix a backback or buy a new one.
Some of us are very close to our families and we can talk these things out. Some of us are not. Well, now maybe the time to start broaching these subjects. You want to look into the face of the future months ahead of time. Do not let the day pounce on you during graduation. It is not too late, even then, for a plan. But you don't have to wait until then. You know right now. Start to devise a plan. Keep in mind the number of relatives who are behind (or, in front of) you. You don't have to bleed anyone dry, but take whatever is offered and pool your money ($25 bucks per person). You will need approximately three months of savings because we don't intend to work during the bar exam study period. That is our time to fully concentrate on the law.
Okay, 3Ls.
You know a lot, but still if you have any questions, just let me know.
Prof. Smith
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